Tuesday, May 19

Marley is not my friend. Not this month anyway. Aside from the normal small marley burns that I get in shows, I seem to have gotten myself three really good ones this month. I've got on on my left knee. That was from a bad death drop. I've got on on my left hip. Death drop, but it was a good one; I just happened have had exposed skin in that rehearsal. Two nights ago, I got my most recent one on my right knee. Its really bad. Kind of looked like raw ground beef when it happened. In fact it was so bad that the skin that got ripped off was all stuck in my fishnets. Gross.

I'm going to make it my goal for these last 4 shows to keep my skin intact.

Monday, May 4

I haven't been here in a while. It was probably for the best. I'm not sure what has inspired me today, this minute, but here I am. I think I've had a couple random thoughts in my head in the last few minutes.

1) I may have missed my calling as a medical examiner. I know I've been watching more than my fair share of CSI: Miami and Crossing Jordan, but that's not it. I just watched a special on MSNBC called Dead Man Talking. The whole legal/biology/medical thing really spoke to me. Also, I'm rather OCD and that seems like an asset in the coroner's office. BUT, don't get me wrong. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what I'm doing; I just think that the ME thing would have worked out well in my alternate life that also included being a pageant queen and a hair model (those would've helped foot the bill for all the schooling required to become an ME).

2) I'd like to have Barbie legs. They really are the best. There's nothing else in this world that better defines a great pair of gams and seeing how I wasn't blessed with the Barbie bust or Barbie waist, legs is it. Call me superficial or say that I've fallen victim to what America's media has labelled as beauty, but I'd probably just ask you about the last time you didn't think a blonde was prettier than a brunette, all things being equal.

3) I am so incredibly luck to be surrounded by people right now who are so inspiring and amazing. Every night before a show, we have a prayer circle. And every time, I get to look around and see these people and am awestruck with how unique and special and inspiring every single person is. I see qualities in each person that I would love to be able to have as my own. Whether its how live your life, take care of yourself, or perform onstage, these people all show me how to do it better. I can see how to be persistent, sexier, calmer, more appreciative, more free, more sparkly, a better friend, a better partner, a better lover. It is so humbling to be in the presence of such outstanding humans.

4) Being onstage is absolutely one of my most favorite things in the world. There is nothing like it. I can't even really begin to describe what it is that I feel that makes it so great. Maybe its the audience, the lights, the other performers, the music, the theatre. Whatever it is, its magic. Pure magic. It really is. In any given show, there are thousands of things that could go horribly wrong, but somehow, they rarely materialize. Maybe that's what it is: you and me and everyone else knowing that at any given moment, my costume could rip, my shoe could fly off, my partner could drop me, a light could go out, the sound could go out. Maybe the magic is the lack of all those horrible possibilities combined with the talent, passion, and greatness of every person involved and the hopes and dreams of an amazing show.