Monday, August 29

What if you make a mistake? You screw up. You can't take it back. You hurt someone. Its not like you committed murder or some sort of sick, perverted crime. You actually were trying to help someone, but it completely backfired. But you hurt someone, nonetheless. And you want to fix it. You can't take it back though. You can't repair it. You can't repair something you can't take back. It's been done. I suppose when it comes down to it, I'd take the easy way out this time go back to make sure I didn't do the wrong thing. Unfortunately, this is not a possiblity. You can only say 'sorry' so many times. Apologies are like a played-out song on the radio: people get tired of hearing them and at some point stop listening.

And the thing is, you've been hurt before. You know what it feels like. The anger and fury that course through you. You can't decide if you want to scream and yell or fall to the floor sobbing uncontrollably or throw the most expensive thing you can find across the room. And the thought of looking at the perpetrator causes you to see nothing but red. But I also know that I'd never feel that hurt unless it was caused by someone I loved. But I still loved him, even after the fact, even if he couldn't go back and change it.

So if I can't go back in time to NOT hurt someone, neither can they. But I guess the theme here is time, right? And time is the greatest healer. So I'll give you your time. I'll wait patiently. I still love you. I still love you even after you hurt me.

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